Care of the red-eared aquatic turtle - Amazing Animals

Care of the red-eared aquatic turtle

August 12, 2022

Care of the red-eared aquatic turtle

As with other reptiles, temperature plays a very important role in the well-being and development of the red-eared aquatic turtle. Get to know here the care you need.

There are several reptiles that are used as pets. Among them is the red-eared aquatic turtle. One of the most charming, popular and marketed in the world, for the belief that it does not merit such complicated attention. It is also considered an invasive species and very problematic due to the negative impacts it can cause on ecosystems.

This specimen is also called the Florida Galapagos, Japanese turtle and at a scientific level Trachemys scripta elegans. It belongs to the family Emydidae. In this space we bring you all the details of the care you need in captivity, in case you want to have one at home. Don't miss them!

Features of the red-eared aquatic turtle

Features of the red-eared aquatic turtle

These turtles have a size ranging from 10 to 30 centimeters in length in their shell. Their head is oblong and their feet semi-webbed, which allows them to swim very well. In addition, they have 5 fingers on each limb, with claws on the front.

The shell of this specimen is divided into two parts. An upper or dorsal one, with an oval shape, sharp edges and variable colorations (from greenish yellows to darker). Another lower one, called plastron, flat, smooth and with lighter tones. Their skin is dark green or brown. It also has stains and lines that offer a very particular design.

The name red-eared turtle derives from bright red horizontal stripes that are located on each side of its head, because they do not have ears or outer ears per se.


The Florida Galapago can develop in a variety of freshwater aquatic environments, such as lakes, ponds, swamps, streams, with shallow depths and small currents, as they like tranquility. In addition, they prefer spaces associated with vegetation and that have comfortable resting places for when they come out of the water to sunbathe.


It is native to the southeastern United States to northeastern Mexico. However, thanks to its trade, it is distributed worldwide. The uncontrolled abandonment of this pet has made it an invasive specimen with great negative impact on the environment, because it displaces other species, is very voracious and its ability to transmit some diseases.


Japanese turtles are diurnal and excellent swimmers, who depend on the ambient temperature for their thermoregulation, since they are poikilothermic animals. Therefore, they require external heat sources, either direct sunlight or substrates heated by the sun.

They can practice hibernation during the colder months, this is done at the bottom of ponds or lakes with little depth. In addition, they have a fairly long life, with a duration of up to 30 or 40 years.

Sexual dimorphism

This type of turtle presents evident sexual dimorphism, that is, that the sexes are different in some of their characteristics. Females are usually larger. In addition, there are also discrepancies in the size of the claws of their forelegs. Thus, males have longer nails than females.

Sexual maturity is reached at different ages and sizes. On the one hand, we have the males, when their plastron measures around 10 centimeters, between 2 and 5 years of age. On the other, there are the females, ready for reproduction at longer times (4 and 7 years), with the ventral part of their shell 15 centimeters long.

Care of the red-eared aquatic turtle

To keep our beloved pet healthy and happy it is necessary to cover its basic needs. Therefore, we must take into account the following guidelines.

Terrarium of a red-eared aquatic turtle

One of the most important aspects of any pet is its space. Due to the behavior and lifestyle of this galapago in the wild, it merits an aquarium with two divisions. A place to swim and stay hydrated, and a dry one to use when warming up or sunbathing.

It is recommended that it is not a small place, because it must be according to the size of the turtle, since they grow a lot. When the specimens are less than one year old, they need at least 15 centimeters of water height. Already in the adult stage, they merit larger spaces, at least 120 centimeters long, 60 wide and 45 high.

There are a variety of models on the market, although you can also make a homemade terrarium, especially designed for our reptile.

Aquarium parameters

Here are some important parameters that a red-eared aquatic turtle needs in your aquarium:

  • Water temperature: a very relevant indicator for the welfare of the animal, due to its thermoregulation. The water should have an ideal value of 26 °C, with a range that can range from 24 to 30 °C during the day. At night, the temperature usually drops around 2 degrees, but you have to take care that it is never below 20 degrees.
  • Ambient temperature: this parameter should have a value about 2 degrees above the water temperature. Thus, it is between 26 and 32 ° C, preventing it from falling below 24 to keep the turtle healthy. It is advisable to check the values with the help of thermometers.
  • Substrate: The aquatic compartment can carry some type of substrate. However, attention should be paid to the size of this, since it has to be of considerable dimensions so that the turtle does not eat it. You can use boulder or thick stone and avoid gravel. With a maximum height of 3 or 4 centimeters, to maintain airflow.
  • Ilumination: the ideal is that the turtle can have contact with sunlight, since it likes to get out of the water to regulate its body temperature. However, if you do not have these conditions, one option is the use of artificial lamps, which provide UV radiation, because they need it for the fixation of vitamin D.
  • Hygiene: the aquarium must be cleaned frequently to avoid diseases. A filter can be used to help with cleaning.

Feeding the red-eared aquatic turtle

These Galapagos are omnivorous animals in the wild, although it varies based on the stage of development, they are in. Usually, individuals under 3 years of age merit a diet with a lot of protein for their development, so they ingest more small animals. On the other hand, adults are inclined towards vegetables.

The animals included in the menu are varied, from insects, crabs, snails, tadpoles, small fish and amphibians. They can also consume other reptiles of smaller dimensions.

Thus, if we have a pet Japanese turtle, we must meet its needs according to its preferences. Ideally, offer you whole small freshwater fish (with viscera). The amount varies according to the age of the specimen. You can start with 1 daily when reptiles are young, then gradually decrease to 3 or 4 times a week.

Worms can also be an animal protein option. In addition, plant foods, such as edible seaweed, leafy greens, or some fruits, should be included. However, you should never offer spinach or citrus, or anything cooked or seasoned.



The red-eared turtle is oviparous. Mating occurs in water. Then the female goes out to prepare the nest, digs the ground and lays the eggs. These are white, oblong or spherical, with soft and flexible shell, measure from 23 to 44 millimeters long and weigh between 6 and 15 grams. The incubation period ranges from two to three months.

Soil moisture is a very determining factor for eggs. Under laboratory conditions, substrates such as vermiculite and perlite retain this characteristic very well. Temperature plays a crucial role in determining the sex of reptiles, including these turtles as well.

Other important aspects

In addition to the care mentioned so far, it is necessary to take into consideration other relevant details such as the following:

  • You have to be very attentive to the appearance and coloration of the shell of turtles, if they have spots, fissures or any irregularity you should consult an expert immediately. In the same way, take care that the eyes are always clean.
  • These turtles can go into hibernation if environmental conditions lend themselves to it. If our pet is at this stage you have to check the temperature of the aquarium very well, the appropriate range goes from 2 to 8 ° C.
  • At the time of feeding, it is not advisable to mix the specimens of different stages of development. Thus, bites from the largest to the smallest are avoided.
  • Reptiles are natural reservoirs of bacteria such as Salmonella (of great importance in public health). Therefore, careful manipulation and analysis is suggested to rule out this pathogen.
  • As with other pets, it should be taken on a regular basis to the specialist veterinarian, to prevent any pathology.

In particular, the care of the red-eared aquatic turtle is not so complicated. However, it is important to check the temperature and perform regular cleanings to avoid diseases. Many pathologies occur due to ignorance of the basic requirements. When acquiring any pet our duty is to be informed for their complete well-being.

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