Characteristics and care of Rainbow fish - Amazing Animals

Characteristics and care of Rainbow fish

July 28, 2022

Characteristics and care of Rainbow fish

The color of the rainbow fish can reflect the health of the animal. When the media is in poor condition, the sound becomes more muffled. When the parameters of the water are stable, its reproductive period begins.

The rainbow fish or Bosemani fish is one of the most colorful and popular species of the Sweet Aquarium of aquarists. They are also peaceful and active specimens, so they combine very well with other ornamental organisms. Their care is not difficult, but they need to monitor water quality, and this represents the greatest complexity of their requirements.

There are several species of rainbow fish, but they all belong to the Family Melanotae. For this reason, at this point we will talk specifically about the most colorful specimen of this group, Melanotaenia boesemani. Read on to learn more about this creature that fills your aquarium with life and color.

Characteristics of rainbow fish

The body shape of this fish is oval and flat, the fins are very underdeveloped, the overall size is reduced, and the length is only 10 centimeters. In addition, vertebrates look like colored veils or edges on the edges that decorate them finely, so that only the back and fins protrude.

This type of color is one of its remarkable qualities as it pays homage to its name. In this way, the body shows blue, turquoise or purple flashes in the first half, after which yellows, oranges and some shades of red appear.

Of the entire Melanotae family, rainbow fish are considered the most colorful.

The gender dichotomy

All specimens usually have the same color, but females have a duller tone than males. This difference serves as a sexual dimorphism, as the male uses his appearance to attract females during the mating season. In fact, it turns out that women have a finer and more stylized shape, so there are also slight differences in the appearance of the body.

Natural habitat

Natural habitat

This rainbow fish is native to Lake Ajamal and Aitinjo (West Papua), but there are also other species that inhabit northern Australia and parts of New Guinea. Due to their excellent adaptability, it is feared that these organisms could penetrate other ecosystems anywhere in the world.

The natural habitat of these fish is crystal clear freshwater with considerable vegetation and a pH of approximately 8.0. In addition, they occupy shallow areas up to 10 meters, with a temperature of 25-28 ° C, which is normal in tropical waters.

Caring for rainbow fish

To enjoy health in captivity, rainbow fish should have an aquarium of at least 200 liters. Likewise, it must also provide a good amount of vegetation, since it is also usually used as a refuge and allows it to relax.

Keep in mind that one of the most complex processes for your fish is to adapt to this new home. When you offer him a stone or a retreat, you help him stay calm.

It is a voracious creature, so it is recommended to keep it with 6-8 individuals. In addition, it is usually a good companion of peaceful species, so it can be added to the community tank. Before you decide, remember that rainbow fish live in slightly alkaline water, so you need to make sure that others meet these requirements.

Water parameters

Although their care is simple, these fish require very special conditions in the water, which is considered the most difficult part of their care.

Therefore, the following parameters should be used very carefully and maintained perfectly:

  • Temperature: 26~28°C.
  • pH: 6~8 (optimal range 7~8).
  • Hardness: 10-20°H
  • Water recharge: at least 25% per week. This type requires a filter in the tank.

Care before the arrival of fish

When it is the first time the aquarium operates, it is necessary to carry out the maturation of the tank. Install all devices and work in such a way that the medium creates a stable and functional mini ecosystem. To continue with the process, usually place a small amount of food in the tank and continue for several weeks.

Stabilization of the parameters of the aquarium usually takes a month.

Before introducing your pet into the aquarium, you need to acclimatize it so that it does not stretch excessively. To do this to balance the temperature, place the bag or container in which it was delivered to you in the tank. After that, the water in the container slowly and continuously begins to mix with the water in the aquarium, homogenizing both media.

These processes are tedious and require patience, but they will help your new pet adapt well to their new home and enjoy a good life. Keep in mind that one of the factors that affect fish health is stress: the more you take care of these points, the better your immune system will respond.

Rainbowfish feeding

In its natural state, this fish is omnivorous, so it eats a variety of types of food. For this reason, it does not represent a difficulty in captivity, since it can be kept on the basis of all kinds of processed scales (pellets) or live food. In fact, the shape of its mouth has a slightly upward curve, allowing it to easily feed on the surface.

Due to the variety of commercial foods and the fact that nothing contains everything you need for your diet, it is best to offer you live and processed types of food. Since it needs to be fed 2-3 times a day, it can also become a demanding pet.

Reproduction of rainbow fish

Breeding this species is easy, as it does not require additional attention. In addition, most of the specimens sold come from specialized hatcheries. Due to their success and relatively low maintenance costs, they have become popular fish among aquarists.

Mating ritual

Men advertise themselves by "dancing" to attract women. At this time, he begins a bath that looks a lot like a waltz, alternating movements from left to right. Finally, the male hits the female 4-9 times, and if he accepts, spawning and fertilization begins.

Egg laying and hatching

First of all, these fish are oviparous, so they bite their eggs directly into the leaves of vegetation and wait for them to be fertilized. Since it is a specimen with external fertilization, it is the male who completes the process and throws the sperm on it.

These creatures lay 19 to 56 eggs each time and can lay eggs at any time, but prefer the early hours of the day. In fact, there is no specific mating season for this species, so as long as they have the right food and conditions, it can happen at any time of the year.

The eggs hatch 5-14 days after spawning, depending on the temperature at which the water is located. In warm temperatures, the young hatch faster, but in cold temperatures they are delayed. Like adults, the feeding of offspring must be balanced between processed and live foods.

Final recommendation

Final recommendation

If you want to have experience with the reproduction of copies, it is advisable to do it with the advice of an expert. It may seem simple, but the offspring need simple, ongoing care, which can cost them their lives if ignored. One of the best strategies is to store them in a separate pond so that they are cared for in a certain way without affecting adults.

The rainbow fish is considered an endangered species due to its incredible natural population. However, these fish have proven to be easy to breed in captivity, so survival in artificial environments is guaranteed.

This is not the most appropriate way to save the species, but it is better than facing extinction.

In addition, you should be aware of the responsibilities that this pet entails, since you will depend on you throughout its life. But if you consult a specialist according to all the recommendations, you will not have any problem with their care and you will enjoy one of the most beautiful specimens of the aquarium that exists.

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