Discus fish care - Amazing Animals

Discus fish care

August 13, 2022

Discus fish care

Discus fish are popular with aquarists, but are also known to be difficult to maintain. discus attract attention because of their striking colors and shape and are considered the kings of freshwater fish. In fact, his behavior is also worthy of a king, for he is refined, calm and elegant.

Member of the cichlid family Sympisodon, to which all cichlid species types of discus fish. To learn more about how to care for this king, read this article.

Characteristics of discus fish

Discus fish are freshwater fish that can grow up to fifteen centimeters in length. The shape of its body is flattened, round and thin, almost in the style of a disc, which refers to its name. In addition, its dorsal and fins cover much of its body, giving it a more oval shape. Its body ends in a fan shaped caudal fin.

One of the reasons why these freshwater animals are famous is their particular coloration. Red, green, brown and turquoise patterns create eye-catching shapes. In addition, spots, bands, and lines can be seen along your skin.

Discus fish variants

Discus fish variants

At present, 3 species of discfish are recognized, whose main difference is the coloration of its body, which does not change its care at all.

According to a paper published in Evolutionary Biology, these are variants are as follows:

  • Symphysodon discus: the specimens of this species are red tones. They are native to the Negro River to the north of the Amazon and the Abacaxis River to the south.
  • Symphysodon tarzoo: of green colorations, this fish is native to the west of the Amazon, in the mountains of the Arc of Purus.
  • Symphysodon aequifasciatus: it is a species of tones with brown predominance and comes from the east of the Amazon, inhabiting the Negro and Solimoes rivers.

All these types are considered established morphotypes, thanks to the fact that they are supported by genetic studies. In general, it can be said that they all inhabit almost the same regions, and may even coexist without major problem. Therefore, the possibility of them hybridizing with each other is high, which explains why there is the great diversity of discus fish that we know today.

It should also be noted that wild and captive species are different. This is due to the artificial crossing of breeds to obtain more attractive characteristics. We could say that we are facing the first steps of a domestication and artificial selection.

Natural habitat

This fish has its origin in South America, where it inhabits the flooded rivers and forests of the Amazon. The species lives in waters of slow currents and shallow depth, in areas where vegetation is usually abundant. In fact, in the case of flooded forests the environment is a bit acidic, due to the amount of leaf litter and organic matter that compose them.

Behavior in the aquarium

The behavior of this species is usually peaceful, so it can coexist with other fish. However, these fish are not like this all the time: during their mating season they become territorial and aggressive, with the purpose of defending their young. For this reason, avoid keeping them in tanks with very active fish to minimize risks.

This cichlid is gregarious, which means that it naturally lives in groups of between 6 and 20 individuals. For this reason, the owners of specimens of this type usually keep several within the same pond. Despite this and although it is not the best option, some individuals manage to survive alone, however, consider that this option puts your pet's life at stake.

This species is shy, since before any sign of danger it seeks refuge, at which time its flat shape allows it to access narrow places to shelter. As such, they are very sensitive to stress and maintenance must take this into account.

Tank preparation

It is necessary to have previous experience with other fish before starting the preparation of the tank, since this species is difficult to maintain. This is due to their sensitivity to changes in water quality, in addition to their clear intolerance to stress.

The aquarium must contain at least 200 liters of water and you have to add about 50 or 80 liters more for each fish you want to have. Remember that this type of animals must live in groups of 4 or more specimens, so the right thing for this would be tanks of 400 liters or more.

To improve their quality of life, it is necessary that at the bottom they have rocks, plants or structures that allow the fish to hide. In addition, prior to the arrival of the new member, the tank must already be installed in the place where it will stay permanently. All this must be taken into account to reduce the amount of stress that is caused by changing habitats and transport.

Water parameters and conditions

All varieties of discfish are quite sensitive to their environment. That is why it is recommended to strictly comply with the following parameters:

  • Substrate type: sand and gravel (combination).
  • Light: moderate, prefers caves and dark areas.
  • Temperature: 27.8 to 31.1 degrees Celsius.
  • pH: 6-6.5 (slightly acidic).
  • Hardness: 10-15 dGH.
  • Water movement: moderate.
  • Water change: weekly, at least 25% of the total water volume.

One of the best alternatives is to install an automated equipment that maintains the quality and conditions of the water, as this reduces the amount of work. It is not mandatory, but it makes the care and maintenance of the discs easier, as everything is easy to find.

Precautions and extra care of discus fish

When you have prepared everything and decide to take the fish home, the first thing you have to do is acclimatize it to its new home. For this purpose, the canvas bag was exposed to the temperature of the water tank and left floating in the tank for 20 minutes. After that, you should start mixing little by little the water of the aquarium and the water of the bag in which the fish is.

Although it is a tedious process, it is of utmost importance for the specimen to adapt to its new home, because in difficult species like this, poor acclimatization can cost it its life. If you are doing this for the first time, choose other fish that are less sensitive to these changes.


Discus fish are carnivores, but they can also eat small plant fragments. For this reason, one of the best foods for them is live food, such as artemias or Daphnias. Despite this, do not discard the commercial preparation in flakes, since sometimes they can also accept it.

The best choice is to keep a mixture of live food and frozen foods, in addition to allowing the discs to have some plants in their midst, so that their diet is balanced. This species only needs to eat two or three times a day, in small amounts to avoid overfeeding.



The reproduction in captivity of this cichlid is difficult and complicated, because in this process the demands on water conditions increase. Despite this, it has been done successfully many times, but only by experts dedicated to it.

During this event, the males of the species become territorial, in order to get the attention of the female and prevent others from stealing it. Once the couple is established, both look for a place among the vegetation to clean it and be able to put their future eggs in that place. These are usually quite sticky, so they can be suspended in rocks, vegetation or even on the wall of tanks.

The larvae hatch after 62 or 74 hours and the parents will take care of them all the time, taking turns on tasks. Therefore, fish, like mammals, secrete a mucus that feeds the larvae. Consequently, children cling to their parents’ skin and are carried, cared for and nurtured by them for a certain period of time until they become independent.

Finally, it remains only to emphasize the preparation prior to the arrival of the animal, since the conditions for keeping it healthy must be met. The care of the discus fish is not easy, so your best tool will always be the information. After all, it is a life that has been entrusted to our care and responsibility. A pet is a commitment so it is not considered a toy.

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