Seven curiosities of black cats - Amazing Animals

Seven curiosities of black cats

August 13, 2022

Seven curiosities of black cats

Myths and superstitions have always accompanied black cats, but this is not the only interesting thing about them.

Kittens are adorable pets that have made more than one fall in love. However, preferences can change based on the characteristics they present. Thus, those who have been most accompanied by stigmas and superstitions are those with dark fur like night. Beyond all the stories, there are a number of curiosities of black cats that you surely do not know.

And it is that cats, with this tone of hair, have gone from veneration to be a symbol of bad luck. If you have one at home or you are willing to adopt it, we bring you all the aspects that are hidden in their fur, because no matter the breed or color, they are living beings and pets like any other, demanding love and affection.

Curiosities of black cats

Curiosities of black cats

Now, without further ado, we present here are seven interesting features about black cats:

1. Its coloration is due to the pigment eumelanin

There is a wide variety of colors present in the fur of cats. These are produced by a pigment called melanin and its two types, eumelanin that provides a dark cover and pheomelanin that gives orange tones.

The diversity of colors is due to the action of different genes and the interactions in them. In this way, there are genes that are responsible for controlling the presence of pigments, while others regulate density and distribution. Thus, there are kittens with solid patterns, striped or with some spots.

The fur of black cats is actually very beautiful. The black color is produced by the presence of eumelanin. In addition, a gene that suppresses striped or spotted patterns, which generates a solid, beautiful and bright color throughout the body.

2. They are symbols of bad luck, one of the main curiosities of black cats

Despite their beautiful color and brightness, black cats have been accompanied by myths and legends not favorable to them. At the time of the Middle Ages, it was thought that witches were transformed into these tender kittens. Thus, they were related to sorcery, spells and bad omens, so their presence was not well seen and they could even be chased and burned at the stake.

3. They are sacred in some cultures

Another of the curiosities of black cats is that they were not always considered symbols of bad luck and reputation. In some cultures they are treated as sacred animals. A very clear example was in ancient Egypt, where kittens were believed to possess divine qualities and related to the goddess Bastet (of protection, love and harmony, depicted as a woman with a cat's head).

In addition, they were mummified with their owners, by the belief of reincarnation in the afterlife. In Scottish culture, black cats were also revered. In this way, having one in the home was associated with good luck.

4. They have the lowest adoption rate

Incredibly, there seems to be a relationship between coat color and the adoption of kittens. Studies carried out in the United States, in 2002, have shown this, disfavoring black and brown cats, who have the lowest adoption rates. This fact may be related to the negative myths that revolve around these animals.

5. They are less aggressive

One of the curiosities of black cats is that they have been shown to have more gregarious tendencies and greater tolerance to other cats. In addition, a better adaptation. These qualities also give them greater reproductive success than kittens of another color in their fur.

Although black cats are related to bad luck, the truth is that they are very tender pets, which do not stand out for aggressive behaviors compared to those of different colors. According to an analysis based on an online survey, in which variable behavioral situations were evaluated (on a day-to-day basis, in a veterinary clinic and during manipulations), those with the greatest problematic tendency were females of two or three colors.

However, more studies are needed to strengthen this apparent and interesting link between temperament and coat color.

6. The black color present in some breeds of cats

The black color of cats can be present both in common kittens (without any breed) or those that belong to a pure or mixed lineage. An interesting type that must be mentioned is the bombay, of medium size, in which its beautiful and shiny black fur stands out. In addition, it is very peaceful, affectionate and a perfect companion animal.

7. There is black cat day

As the last interesting fact about black cats, we must not fail to mention that they have a holiday on the calendar, but not in the whole world, but in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This is October 27, a day designated to protect these cute kittens.

What's so special about black cats?

What's so special about black cats

Thus, after knowing the curiosities of black cats, we realize how special these animals are. Beyond the color of their fur and the myths that have accompanied them over the years, these are beautiful, affectionate and peaceful kittens. Tender pets waiting to be loved and pampered, just like other cats. You sure won't regret adopting one.

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