Some of the best Portuguese horse breeds - Amazing Animals

Some of the best Portuguese horse breeds

October 24, 2022

Portugal has always been famous for its equestrian activities and horse breeds. In this country, horses play a very important role in many historical events that are told about Portugal. Even today there is still a great demand on the world market for the best Portuguese horse breeds. Although there are several breeds of horse to see in this country, there are very few horses that are in such high demand. Let's get acquainted with some of these types of horses.

1. The Lusitano horse breed is the most admired variety of this animal from Portugal. This is mainly involved in equestrian sports as well as for military purposes. Its gigantic appearance and strong nature make it very suitable for this type of activity. This is also considered the best fit for classical dressage. This horse breed has great traditional values ​​and owing to this horse breed is considered very proud by the people of Portugal.

2. The second most famous breed of this animal is the Sorraias horse breed. This type of horse is dying out these days and there are only about 200 horses believed to exist in the whole world. Of this number, most are present in Portugal. This is greatly admired for its good looks and primitive characteristics.

3. The other large variety is the Garrano breed. This type of horses is also mainly used in the horse riding games and is considered to be one of the strongest varieties of this animal. It is also very well known for its appearance and is mainly used for crossing.

Nonetheless, there are many other types of horses in Portugal that share many notable traits. All these qualities make Portugal one of the best countries for horses.

lusitano horse
#Portuguese #horse #breeds

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