The story of man and horse
September 26, 2022
The shared history of humans and horses dates back to around 3500 BC. BC back; The archaeological remains show that horses were used in warfare. However, over time horses were gradually used for work, sports and leisure activities. But it is not the same type of horse that has been man's companion for all these different purposes, rather numerous breeds have been created through artificial selection methods to suit each of these separate activities.
While careful breeding is not only practiced by modern humans, but the ancient Bedouins made a real art of maintaining pure bloodlines, it has become so sophisticated that today we can count about 300 different breeds. A refined horse like the Andalusian was created for riding and dressage purposes, while a large draft horse like the Clydesdale was created for heavy farm work and pulling equally heavy wagons. For this reason, various riding apparel (including riding boots) have been developed to meet the needs of specific horse uses. For example, while the rider needs stiff dress boots for dressage, some mounted patrol intended to do some jumping may prefer field boots as they lace up at the ankle, allowing for more flexibility.
While horses are no longer used in combat except for ceremonial purposes, they are still used for work. On US cattle ranches, horses are needed to move cattle over rough ground, while poor countries still use around 100,000 horses, mules, and donkeys for farming. On the other hand, their use is more environmentally friendly than the use of some agricultural machines powered by fossil fuels; and for one thing, they are far superior in logging when it comes to protecting soil and trees.
Nowadays, however, they are more popular as companions in sporting competitions. While horse shows were a common sight at fairgrounds in the Middle Ages, horse racing is now a major sport, watched by millions of people worldwide and fueled by an entire industry due to gambling. Dressage, show jumping, rodeos or fox hunting are also very popular opportunities for animals and riders to show their skills and their cooperation. Also, in the UK at least, horses are still used as a means of transport for royalty or various VIPs to cultural events, both for reasons of size and tradition. They're essential for television and film, whether it's for large-scale battle scenes like 'Chimes at Midnight', for recreating historical settings like in any Western film, or for poignant metaphors like 'They Shoot Horses, Don't They?' Well, it's hard to list all the uses they have left, but it's worth mentioning their latest use in hippo therapy.
Aside from their use in liveliness and kicking, for their abilities, there are many related products they help people with, such as mare's milk and horse meat for consumption, horse hide for gloves, riding boots or jackets, or tail hair for musical instrument bows. Of course, in recognition of their usefulness to humans, the latter provide them with food and shelter, medical care, and nursing. While few horses are pets, they are domesticated animals and as such, of course, cannot exist autonomously except for the only remaining wild species, namely the Przewalski's horse.
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